I have the following code to move to the next control if the return is entered
private void TextBox_PreviewKeyUp(object sender, KeyEventArgs e)
if (e.Key == Key.Return)
e.Handled = true;
((TextBox)sender).MoveFocus(new TraversalRequest(FocusNavigationDirection.Next));
Looks like a interesting project for getting start with Facebook... I have done some work with the PHP ports but not C#, will try this one next time I need this functionallity.
Interesting concept...
Seems the IsReadOnly option does not work as expected on the ComboBox. After a little searching I found that the IsReadOnly option affect the ablity of the user to edit the text in the ComboBox but does not affect the user's ablity to change the selection which is what I wanted.
To work around this first you need to set the IsHitTestVisible to false, setting this option to false means that none of the mouse events are sent to the control so the user can not select a new option.
This does not stop the user for tabing to the control and selecting a new option with the keypad. So to stop the user from using the keypad I set the IsTabStop option to false also. This way this control is not on the tab list which means it can't be selected.
So by setting both option the user can not longer change the option in the ComboBox.
Ok the above link will tell you the cost of building the death star. Now obviously with today’s tech it would not be possible to build something the same of a small moon anyway but hey...
Ok so let’s assume you were going to build a ship the size of a small moon. First you would not be buy raw materials, no you would not. You would take you small fleet of robot ships and part them next to a nice iron rich asteroid belt. Allow them to start harvesting iron from the rock, forming really large sheets of the stuff, and finally building a hull. I am not sure if pulling solar power would be enough or you would need to go nuclear but either way other then setting up the power plants you would have to have limitless power. As you finished the hull the power plant could then become the power supply for that. After the hull was finished the robot fleet would have to continue to pull the raw material from the sounding rock as the interior started to take shape. In concept you most likely could pull enough water in the form of ice from the asteroid belt but you might have to bring some of the along which would mostly likely mean purchasing it, getting it from a non-owned plant unless you want to concur it. Mind you I guess the owned their part of space anyway so taking what they wanted may not be too much of a problem. Anyways as the inside started to form more and more personally could be moved in and manufacturing setup to build whatever equipment you need inside.
So overall I think besides the initial investment and maybe playing the help as they move in, assuming you pay them (evil emperor and all) I don’t see where the cost is that high. But what do I know?
I have been using the below product on an off for a while now as needed and find it works well and comes in handy.
Seems like a nice test site
Started adding keywords, note work in progress so bear with me
Nice jquery source viewer here
Found these here